Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Bridget Jones's Diary _ Listening Int 1

Hello everybody!

Last week we were talking about judging people by their appearance in class. 

I hope you enjoyed the extract of the film Bridget Jones's Diary that we watched in class and that focusses on this topic.

You can read the script as it is the first comment that you will find.

See you later!



María - Teacher said...

BRIDGET: At times like this...

continuing with one's life seems impossible...

and eating the entire contents of one's fridge...

seems inevitable.

I have two choices--

to give up and accept permanent state of spinster hood...

and eventual eating by dogs... or not.


And this time, I choose not.

I will not be defeated...

by a bad man and an American stick insect.

Instead, I choose vodka...

and Chaka Khan.

[Disco music playing]

CHAKA KHANSINGING: I'm every woman

It's all in me

Anything you want done, baby

I'll do it naturally. Mmm

I'm every woman

It's all in me

I can be the most right now

Every girl from A to Z

Whoa, whoa, whoa

Whoa, whoa, whoa




CHAKA KAHNSINGING: I can cast a spell


CHAKA KAHNSINGING: Of secrets you can't tell

Mix a special groove

Put fire inside of you

Any time you feel danger...

Why do you want to be in television?

Well, I've realized that I've become deeply committed...

to communicating to the public...

the up-to-the-moment and in-depth news...

both political and ecological.

What do you think of the EI Nino phenomenon?

BRIDGET: Um...it's a blip.

I think, basically, Latin music is on its way out.

So, why do you want to work in television?

Because I'm passionately committed...

to communicating with children.

They are the future.

Do you have any children of your own?

Oh, Christ, no. Yuck!


BRIDGET: Ah. Sorry.

MAN: So, why do you want to work in television?

I've gotto leave my current job because I've shagged my boss.

Fair enough. Start on Monday.

We'll see how we go.

Oh, and... incidentally...

at "Sit Up, Britain"...

no one ever gets sacked for shagging the boss.

That's a matter of principle.

Unknown said...

Good evening María,
Thank you very much. I know Gosh! British people use it when they're surprised about questions, but is there a similar word in Spanish?


Unknown said...

Hi again Maria,
Thank you very much for the links and above all the music I love it

María - Teacher said...

Hi Charo!

"Gosh" is the polite form of "God". Since God is sometimes avoided, they prefer to use that term.

There's no exact equivalent in Spanish, I'm afraid.

See you in class!

Unknown said...

Hi María,

Thank you very much for your answer


Unknown said...

Hi the best is the full film



I love this film! Thanks teacher.