Sunday 2 December 2012

Advanced 1: Video - Multitasking

This week we have been talking about multitasking in class.

For extra listening practice, watch the video twice and answer the questions:

  1. What was the result of the 2010 study?
  2. What was the different domain that the experts decided to look at?
  3. What is the most important age for social development in girls?
  4. How many girls participated in the survey?
  5. What were the results of the survey like?
  6. What did children who were heavy multi-taskers show?
  7. What is the possible solution to the problem?
Answer key:
  1. Heavy multi-taskers showed less ability to filter out irrelevancy, manage their working memory and even multi-task.
  2. Emotional development.
  3. 8-12-year-old girls.
  4. 3400 girls.
  5. Heavy multi-taskers showed worse social and emotional development.
  6. They are not practising basic emotional skills.
  7. Face-to-face communication.

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